Mes en Plas

Hand mirror, towel  1 dry Towel, 1-Mascara Wand, 1-applicator brush, 1 ramekin, disposable gloves

Product Setup

Tint Color, Developer




  1. Wash your hands with hot soapy water.
  2. Do consultation
  3. Make sure the guest is comfortable and guest positioned in chair and stool for feet, towel lined on shampoo bowl
  4. Teacher consult and dispense product
  5. Cleanse eye area  to be tinted with makeup remover wipe. Apply eye protectors for lash tinting
  6. Decide what color to mix and mix with devloper in ramikin. Equal parts
  7. Apply tint to lashes with lip brush, apply tint to eyebrows with mascara wand
  8. Process for 10 minutes
  9. Remove with warm wet towel
  10. Remove mask with warm wet towels
  11. Give client a warm wet towel so they can dab eyes before opening
  12. Wipe all tubes and bottles touched
  13. Tighten lids and make sure everthing is properly closed and cleaned
  14. Do closing procedures
  15. Clean and sanitize area
