Mes en Plas

Cape, towels, protective cream, end wraps, rattail comb, cotton, picks, plastic bag, rods, timer, claifiying shampoo, spray bottle


 1. Drape, towel, cape, towel

2. Anaylze hair and scalp

3. Client Consult

4. Teacher Consult

5. Shampoo hair gently with clairifying

6. Wrap hair using water to keep hair moist (use pre-wrap if required)

7. Protect skin around hairline wiht barrier cream and cotton

8. Mist rods with water and towel blot to even out porosity before applying perm solution

9. Mix waving activator and solution if necessary

10. Apply wave solution to top and bottom of each rod starting in exterior

11. Change cotton and towel around cape cover with plastic bag provided

13. Process at room temperature for strenght solution you are using indicated on chart

14. Test curl; check for visual roping and separtion on the rod, blot rod to be tested with towel(always save solution to resaturate test curl)unwind rod approximately 1 1/2 times and push rod forward, when an S pattern matches the tool than it appears the perm is done, if not continue process until done. 

15. Instructor check curl with a different test curl rod

16. When processing is complete rinse for a minimum of 5-10 minutes with comfortable hot water, until perm smell is gone

17. Towel blot

18. Reapply cotton around hairline

19. If there is interim step before neutrilizing  do now

20. Neutrilize top and bottom each rod, starting back bottom, check manufacturer directions for timing

21. Rinse with warm water for a minimum of 5 minutes

22. Once rods are removed blot hair and scrunch the curl pattern into hair, add product and diffuser, or put under pre-heated dryer and style

23. Educate client on post perm conditioning , Remind not to shampoo for 48 hours

24. Do closing procedures



Rebook, offer other service appointments, recommend or ask if they need any hair products