Mes en Plas

2- purple towels, 100-180 grit file, nail tips, hard gel (clear or pink), lint free cotton, alcohol, gel brush, primer, dehydrtor, buffer, cuticle pusher, cuticle oil, bonder, gel light, hand sanitizer, 1 hands down

Product Setup

Gel, nail glue, nail tips, gel light




  1. Wash your hands with hot soapy water beginning of your service
  2. Guest use hand-sanitizer or wash hands
  3. Perform Start to Finish consultation with client.  Make sure you are looking over the hands and nails for any cuts, abrasions, infections
  4. Teacher consult
  5. Push back cuticle, if needed trim cuticle
  6. Remove nail shine with buffer
  7. Brush off excess dust with lint free cotton wipe
  8. Apply deyhdrator to all nails
  9. Properly choose nail tips (not to big, not to small)
  10. Starting with pinky apply drop of nail glue to the well of the nail tip, using stop, rock and roll method, apply nail tip to client nail
  11. Cut and file to desired shape
  12. Using 180 grit gently blend the tip to natural nail and remove shine
  13. Use buffer for final smoothing
  14. Wipe dust from all nails using dry lint free wipe
  15. Apply bonder to all nails and cure 1 minute
  16. Using gel brush, apply thin coat of gel to all fingers on one hand making sure you are blending tips, cure for 1 minute
  17. If needed apply another thin coat making sure smooth and blended cure for 1 minute
  18. Use alcholol and lint free wipe to removce tacky layer from each nail
  19. Use buffer for final smoothing
  20. Apply cuticle oil or polish
  21. Perform start to finish closing technique
  22. Clean and disinfectant all work area


Recommend other services we offer. Ask if they are good on their hair care products