Mes en Plas

Mes en Plas


Hello Sarah my name is __________and thank you for coming to visit me today. You have a great sassy haircut and I have a great suggestion for a color that will enhance that great cut you have as I see that you are here to get a color and I have some questions before we get started.

1. Have you always had the same color, do you like change, what would you like to happen? Do you have a photo of the color you would like?
2. Where do you get your color done?
3. What do you like about your color what would you like to see different.
4. How often do you wash your hair?
Use style books if needed.

Have you ever had this color? Would you be opened to doing something a little different then what you always have? Let me give you a great recommendation for color that would absolutely be beautiful on you with your beautiful blue eyes and skin tone it would look amazing on you. I would love to see you with a little red to your color I feel that with the haircut you currently have and the skin tone this will enhance your beauty and add life to your look. I feel you will look awesome, young and sassy up to date with your look and this new color.
