Mes en Plas

Facial Room: Clean, Neat and Warm. Fitted sheet, regular sheet, blanket, U-shape face pad, lights dim, hand mirror, towel warmer on. Implements:8 Hot Towels, 3 dry Towels, 2- brushes, 3 ramekins, disposable gloves

Product Setup

2- Tsp Dual action cleanser scrub, 1-Tbsp mineral mud, 1- Tbsp. glorious massage cream, ½ Tsp body lotion




  1. Wash your hands with hot soapy water. Remove jewelry, sanitize area and set-up product, Makeup facial bed
  2. Guest use hand-sanitizer or wash hands, remove jewelry, do consultation
  3. Make sure the guest is comfortable and warm, guest positioned face down
  4. Teacher consult and dispense product
  5. Apply warm wet towels to back to open pores
  6. Apply dual action cleanser scrub with hands to back and massage 1-2 minutes
  7. Remove with warm towel
  8. Apply mineral mud mask using double brush method to back leave on 10 minutes
  9. While mask is drying perform hand and arm massage
  10. Remove mask with warm wet towels
  11. Apply glorious massage cream to back and massage 5 minutes
  12. Apply warm wet towel to remove massage cream
  13. Apply body lotion to back and massage in 1-2 minutes
  14. Do closing procedures




Mes en Plas

Hand mirror, towel  1 dry Towel, 1-Mascara Wand, 1-applicator brush, 1 ramekin, disposable gloves

Product Setup

Tint Color, Developer




  1. Wash your hands with hot soapy water.
  2. Do consultation
  3. Make sure the guest is comfortable and guest positioned in chair and stool for feet, towel lined on shampoo bowl
  4. Teacher consult and dispense product
  5. Cleanse eye area  to be tinted with makeup remover wipe. Apply eye protectors for lash tinting
  6. Decide what color to mix and mix with devloper in ramikin. Equal parts
  7. Apply tint to lashes with lip brush, apply tint to eyebrows with mascara wand
  8. Process for 10 minutes
  9. Remove with warm wet towel
  10. Remove mask with warm wet towels
  11. Give client a warm wet towel so they can dab eyes before opening
  12. Wipe all tubes and bottles touched
  13. Tighten lids and make sure everthing is properly closed and cleaned
  14. Do closing procedures
  15. Clean and sanitize area




Mes en Plas

Pedicure tub, 6 Purple towels, 4-hot towels, hand sanitizer, non-acetone polish remover, cotton, ¼” cuticle nipper, metal cuticle pusher, toenail clipper, pedicure slippers, foot file, cuticle eliminator, spatula, 180 grit file, disposable buffer squares, polish (if applicable), Gel polish, fuse, base and topcoat, 2 plastic bags


Product Setup

1 tsp. Scrub 1/2 tsp heel therapy, 1 tsp. foot soak, 2 tsp mask, 1 tbsp lotion




  1. Wash your hands in hot soapy water before beginning your service
  1. Fill the pedicure tub with warm water, put 1 tsp. of foot soak
  1. Perform the Start to Finish consultation procedure with your guest
  1. While you are performing the Start to Finish, look over the guest’s feet, legs and nails for any cuts, abrasions or infections. If they have any cuts or abrasions, continue the pedicure wearing gloves on your hands.  If they have any infections, discontinue the     service and reschedule for another time when they are healthy
  1. Have the guest put both feet into the pedicure tub. Adjust the water temperature as needed. Let the guest soak for approximately 5 minutes
  1. The foot that you pick up will be the order in which you will perform all the steps.   Preferably working from the outside in on each foot (smallest toe to largest)
  1. Towel dry their foot, begin by removing any nail polish on the nails with non-acetone  polish remover and cotton. Consult with Instructor
  1. Shorten any nails with the toenail clipper if needed. Shape the nails with the 180-grit file in the shape determined
  1. Apply ½ tsp scrub on one foot and then the other wrap warm towel each foot
  1. Put both feet into the water to remove scrub
  1. Apply ½ tsp. mask to foot avoid toes. Put plastic bags on and wrap in warm towels
  1. Put both feet in water to remove mask
  1. Gently massage one drop of cuticle eliminator on each nail at the cuticle area and push back the cuticles use nipper if necessary. Use the foot file and gently file any  callused areas.  Put foot back in water, repeat on other foot, put back n water, remove both feet and dry thoroughly
  1. Clean under free edge, buff nails, apply dehydrator and alcohol on both feet
  1. Apply gel product, fuse, base, gel polish, topcoat. Be sure to cure each product on  both feet
  1. Wipe off tacky layer with alcohol
  1. Apply heel therapy and massage in, apply lotion to leg and foot and gently massage.  Repeat on other foot
  1. Perform start to finish closing technique

19..  Thoroughly wash and disinfect implements 10 minutes 

  1. Disinfect area and pedicure tub completely


1.  Recommend they rebook with you for their next pedicure appointment  according to the condition of their feet.  They should be booking appointment before they leave the establishment

2. Discuss them using cuticle oil to refresh the toes and to keep from looking dry